Monday, June 29, 2009

give the audience cameras?

I heard about this Beastie Boys Movie during a social media webinar some time last month. Really cool way to incorporate audience participation into a concert. Wish I could find the actual movie...


I saw this SNL digital short a couple weeks ago then I ran into it again yesterday online. It made me laugh both times so I decided to post it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

hats off to Canada!

Everyone's seen these "locals know" commercials for Canada, yeah? These are one of few commmercials I'll take the tv off mute for, and I'm always watching out for ones I haven't seen. Today I checked out the the campaign's pretty much what it looks like. Locals can upload their own super cool Canada vids and pics to the site, then some of them get made into commercials. Only thing for me was that, I went there hoping to find some more videos, but all I could get to easily were the ones I'd already seen on tv. It was defo really easy to set up a trip from the site though, so that's good. (Although I still would rather watch the videos than actually go to Canada, but that's just me)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

fun and environmentally friendly

I was on my way to something else, when I ran across this little interactive quiz I had to complete, you know how that is. Handy information as well as captivating presentation--well done. Also I learned that it would take 2.5 planet earths to support my get to work then!
Have you measured your ecofoot today?

Monday, June 22, 2009

oops, it's a video!

I know flash is nothing new. Some people, some important people, have told me don't even bother with it. But every once in a while I run across a page I'd be proud to call my own, flash or no. This movie by the quicksilver team is guaranteed to tickle even the snooties webster. thanxs, buddys!

I found this in a hotel in Las Vegas--let's not go into that. But I've always loved these types of large scale displays in malls and public places, especially when they're done right like this one is.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I know I'm a bit behind on this. I Had to mention it anyway though because I've been doing major amounts of industry research lately, and this is absolutely one of the most innovative, well delivered ideas I've seen. Basically he combats financial tough times by charging only what his clients will give him--I went to a yoga studio in New York that did that one summer, yoga to the people, for whom I have much love and much money as soon as I'm employed. But anyway, he's gotten way much press for this thing already and has just finished work for his first round of clients. Will be curious to know how angencynil fares its first round of billing.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Seriously, funny.

I listen to public radio a lot. I often have comments about things I hear on the radio--not political things at all--that isn't the type I listen to. For me it's more the explorative type, thought provoking, funny, useful in a way that can't be measured quite and entirely applicable, but more to the minutes of life you know.
--and it's all free,
Anyway, my favorite show for the moment is This American Life with Ira Glass. This afternoon I heard one, from the archives I think maybe 1999 or something because I've gone through most of the ones in this decade. It was Julia Sweeney, an hour of Julia Sweeney and it was one of those hours that needs to be shared. But this is just a blog, so I won't say more. Just listen:
Julia Sweeney at Un-Cabaret

Friday, June 12, 2009

Some pictures from stephanie's tincan shoot--don't ask me what happened to the blue one--these are the ones that didn't make the magazine

got your fb url yet?

snatched up a facebook username about an hour ago, EXCITING! I sat right in front of the computer for the last 3 minutes of the countdown lest I blink and miss my shot at either erins or erinsfunny. I got erins because I thought maybe I'd get sick of erinsfunny...mistake? I think it might work in either way here's my thought:

  • My name is erinswanson: erin s, erins.
  • I have a lot of qualities I'd like people to associate with me: erin's smart, erin's creative, erin's...funny, which is my favorite quality
  • Also I have things that they might like to see: erins blog, erins portfolio etc etc
  • So really, it's the "erins" that ties it all together, yes? Hence the fb name...

So anyways, great step for facebook, happy to be a part of it, check it

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pink or Yellow?

Which is better: pink or yellow?
I'm still working out my identity. There are many connotations associated with pink that I don't agree with of course, as a woman as a girl. It's such an obvious color, which usually means I would avoid it,'s pretty!
My portfolio site has a number of glitches, all of which hinge on the appropriateness of my pallet. Help me decide

First Post

Last month, I graduated cum laude from one of the nation's top universities.
Today, after eating half a box of raisin bran, I pulled on a pair of sweatpants over my pajamas and went to costco with my parents.
Class of 2009, your journey starts here.

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    and good ad work makes me smile